
Showing posts from September, 2016

6 Weeks.

Currently in week 6 of this adventure called college. When I first moved in I felt alive and free and rebellious and like I could do anything, because ya know, college. But now its week 6. I have taken tests, I have studied, I have written papers, and I can officially say that it is not anything like I expected. When I first arrived at Appalachian I believed that homesickness was a myth. How could you miss home when you lived in the prettiest part of North Carolina? Why would I miss Raleigh's traffic, or the burning heat when you went outside in the summer, or the constant road renovations? How could anyone miss the crowded streets of downtown, or the way the stoplight is always red at Capital Blvd.? Why would you want to be at home where your parents controlled what you did and when, where you had a curfew and you were told to "not hangout with those people"? I thought it was physically impossible to miss the structured life I lived in Raleigh. But now I am 6 weeks in...