Highs and Lows
Highs and lows. Literally and figuratively. They're tricky, one person's high could be seen as another person's low. For example, one person's happiness could be another's sadness. Lately I have been figuring that out the hard way. While I see others grow and prosper I am seeing those who are also left behind by that. Then theres that awkward situation where you want to be happy for them but in all reality in your head you are wishing them the very worst. Its sad, because this happens more than we would like to admit. This situation is one where you can't always speak up, because in some cases your voice alone will disturb the joy. SO, what do you do? This past week I have faced that incredibly tough question. I had the ~ opportunity ~ to try two different approaches, and both (not surprisingly) failed. Lesson learned here: LET THEM BE HAPPY. Regardless of your opinions or thoughts or previous experiences, mind ya dang business. I learned that whi...