This Week I've Learned...
This week I learned that while I see it as a priority to put others first, many don't see life the same way I do. I learned this week that just because I aim to ensure that others are happy, it's not always reciprocated. This week I was taught that to feel as though I am important I must believe I am. This week I learned that I am a body without a face. Easily replaced, easily gotten rid of when my time is over due. I am replaceable. Not a permanent fixture, just there as long as I'm needed and put away as soon as my job is done. It's as though I am kept around only when it is convenient to the user. This week I learned how it feels to be a doll. While you may be the child's favorite, you're easily replaced by the newer prize and you can be traded out for any other doll as needed. It's a lonely and dreary existence. If dolls do have feelings, I wish I had known so I could've tried so much harder to show them love and kindness and to show them they wer...