Why v.s. How

I started and erased this post too many times trying to make it sound eloquent, but here it is plain and simple: PEOPLE SUCK.

People have ulterior motives and they have their own agendas for your role in their life. But it is most evident in dating. When people decide they like people there is usually some motive. Don't get me wrong, sometimes it's because they genuinely like you and think that you're grand. But a lot of the time its for them. People get into relationships because it is good for them, it happens all the time. They're lonely so they use a person to fill the void, or they want attention, or they think that YOU can do something for THEM. 

This drives me crazy. I will honestly admit that I have done my fair share of this too, and I feel so bad for the people who were affected by this, but as I have lived in this wild "adult world" I have finally realized my ways and realized how absolutely terrible it is to treat people like this. People are not objects. They are not things you can get and return. When they are in your life or you are in theirs, no matter how small the interaction is, you will leave a piece of you with them and vice versa. So when you use people for your personal agenda, SURPRISE, it affects them!!!!!!!!!! Shocking right??? People are directly affected by your actions towards them.

This may be revolutionary to some, but when you consider dating or even being friends with someone you have to consider your WHY. Your why influences your how, so if your why is about you, then how you treat them will be too. 


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