
Showing posts from 2017


This spring I am transferring to UNCW, and I have never felt more excited or felt so led to pursue something. Throughout my time at App I learned so much, in and out of the classroom. However, this semester has taught me more about myself and my faith than any other. This semester showed me how truly strong I am. It taught me who and what to rely on. It pushed my limits and I learned more about myself than I ever could've, but while this sounds like a phenomenal experience it was actually the hardest thing I have ever done.  Earlier this semester I had my first experience with 'mean girls' which is crazy because, like, this is college right? But like Bowling for Soup once said, "high school never ends." I remember laying in my bed late that night rereading everything that was said to me and rethinking everything. I replayed every conversation and interaction with every person up to that point. I convinced myself that every hateful word that was said was true. I ...

Highs and Lows

Highs and lows. Literally and figuratively. They're tricky, one person's high could be seen as another person's low. For example, one person's happiness could be another's sadness. Lately I have been figuring that out the hard way.  While I see others grow and prosper I am seeing those who are also left behind by that. Then theres that awkward situation where you want to be happy for them but in all reality in your head you are wishing them the very worst. Its sad, because this happens more than we would like to admit. This situation is one where you can't always speak up, because in some cases your voice alone will disturb the joy.  SO, what do you do? This past week I have faced that incredibly tough question. I had the ~ opportunity ~ to try two different approaches, and both (not surprisingly) failed. Lesson learned here: LET THEM BE HAPPY.  Regardless of your opinions or thoughts or previous experiences, mind ya dang business. I learned that whi...

First time for everything

Today I realize that my first year as a college student is coming to an end. WOW. This year has been a rollercoaster of events. I have found myself and I have finally found a great group  of people who are supportive and kind and loving.  My first year began on August 10th, just 4 days after I turned 18. I was barely an adult yet I was thrown into the adult world and I was expected to thrive. I knew nothing. I was lost and confused and often had to ask for help (which my independent self hates doing). I remember the first month and I thought everything was fine, I had no homesickness, I had friends, classes were great. And then all of a sudden I was in bed crying at night because I missed the familiarity of home and the safety of Raleigh and my family/friends there (and my cats, let's be honest). I didn't feel like I had a real friend group, I didn't feel like I fit in, I was miserable. So I started applying to schools in Raleigh. I not only applied to schools, but a...

patience is a virtue

I have always been very impatient. When I decide I want something I want it then, if I want to do something I want to do it then. I like to call myself 'spontaneous' but in all reality, it is just my lack of patience. It has led to quite a few piercings, two tattoos, and a brand new hair color that I believed I had to have RIGHT then. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy with the decisions I've made and I think they helped me gain confidence along the way, but I have noticed an issue. As I make these impulsive decisions I cause myself to believe that everything should happen in an instant and if it doesn't I get irritated. And this isn't only a problem of mine that I face everyday with family and friends, but I also face it with God. I serve a patient, loving God. A God who takes his time because he knows the end and the beginning and is confident in the outcome, he has no need to rush. But, I on the other hand see a thousand reasons to rush. Hurry and finish...