First time for everything

Today I realize that my first year as a college student is coming to an end. WOW. This year has been a rollercoaster of events. I have found myself and I have finally found a great group  of people who are supportive and kind and loving. 

My first year began on August 10th, just 4 days after I turned 18. I was barely an adult yet I was thrown into the adult world and I was expected to thrive. I knew nothing. I was lost and confused and often had to ask for help (which my independent self hates doing). I remember the first month and I thought everything was fine, I had no homesickness, I had friends, classes were great. And then all of a sudden I was in bed crying at night because I missed the familiarity of home and the safety of Raleigh and my family/friends there (and my cats, let's be honest). I didn't feel like I had a real friend group, I didn't feel like I fit in, I was miserable. So I started applying to schools in Raleigh. I not only applied to schools, but also for scholarships, I looked for roommates and I emailed advisors about classes that would transfer over. I had every thing done and was prepared to leave App State, until suddenly I realized I wasn't leaving to help myself. I would be leaving so that I could enable my fear and my weaknesses. As the end of first semester came around I made up my mind to stay in Boone. I decided that I would make things work, at least until the end of the year. This will always be my favorite decision. 

In the last month of my first semester I found my home. I found friends, who are now a family, I found Young Life here in Boone, I found security. I finally found happiness. 

I realized that being away from home sucks. But it sucks a whole lot less with friends that support you regardless of what silly mistakes you make. It sucks less with a group of lovely God loving women in your life to constantly remind you of how loved and accepted you are. It sucks less when you cut out the negative influences in your life. It sucks a whole lot less when you finally figure out who you are. 

Now as my second semester comes to an end I have so many adventures to look back on and so many things to be thankful for. Such as my mom for constantly encouraging me to tough it out and always do the right thing. My Young Life leaders Thalia and Emily, who showed me that I can do anything as long as my foundation is in Christ. My lovely friends, who put up with me singing the Moana soundtrack at least 7 times a day. My new Young Life family who are hands down some of the kindest, sweetest, most God loving individuals I know. And finally my friends back home, who are really my sisters who told me that if I left Boone I was a failure, without you guys I would've given in. 

It is now the end of April and finals start next week, and here I am in the mountains with no intent on leaving. I have found my home here, and I have found success here. So I guess the moral of the story is to stick it out. Things can't get better unless you let them, give it time and see how things go or how people/ environments change. If you quit before you give it a chance, how will you know what the outcome could've been? Take chances, push through it; it's worth it.

In a week I will no longer be a freshman, lets see what sophomore year throws at me?

Personal update included, after a semester of struggling I have soared academically, I am about to be a Young Life leader, and I have lots o' great friends. Weird how those tables turn!)


  1. Your part-time job should be writing for a local Christian paper. Or maybe not so local!

  2. Writing seems to be in your soul, one day I'll be reading a novel with your name on the spine.


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