
Wildflowers have always made me feel jealous. They are outstandingly beautiful and go wherever the wind takes them, and for a while I wasn't sure which of those two things I was the most jealous of. But then one day it hit me, while they are beautiful and free, they are always being plucked out of the ground to be kept, as if people fear it is the last one they will find.

It was in this moment of realization that I was no longer jealous of the wildflowers for I had a deeper connection to them. 

We are all wildflowers. All beautiful in one way or another, and all free. We could leave wherever we are at any point in time with no warning and never look back and plant new roots and it is all perfectly acceptable. And like the wildflower, every single day someone is trying to pluck you, they are trying to claim you as their own. Don't get me wrong, this isn't a bad thing, it can be the most marvelous moment in someones life, the moment someone chooses you can change your whole perspective on the world. But the thing is, it can also change you. Slowly you see yourself changing what you wear because they like it when you wear nice shirts instead of your favorite baggy, worn tee-shirts, or you stop singing in the shower and dancing like a fool in the car, slowly you lose yourself until one day you look in the mirror and no longer know who is looking back at you. And what about when they leave or find a prettier flower? Suddenly you're stuck with all the things they caused you to love: their favorite songs, their favorite foods, not wearing certain outfits because you remember exactly what they said about it. What then? You're forced to realize that you are no longer you, you are who they molded you to be. 

But luckily, that isn't the end. It is the beginning, it is a chance for you to once again embrace yourself and who you want to be and become that person. It is an opportunity to find yourself in a new light, to create a new you, one that you're proud of and won't change for others. 

You are the wildflower. You are beautiful, you are free, and you don't need to be chosen to be perfect. Don't change for others. Flowers don't change, and neither should you. One day you will find someone who is so fond of you that instead of pulling you out of the ground from your roots, they will come back everyday just to find you and admire you. Wait for someone who loves you so dearly that they wouldn't change a hair on your head. Wait for someone that loves your embarrassing dance parties in the car, or how you can't hit a single note in your favorite song (yet you still try). Wait for someone who not only loves your old tee-shirts, but also has their own that they love almost as much as they love you. Wait for someone who won't change you because they realize how flawless you already are. Don't waste time changing for others when your person is already out there. 

You are a wildflower, and you are someones favorite flower. 


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