free your mind, free your views

in today's world it is completely acceptable to believe whatever your told. it doesn't matter if your source is The New York Times or Twitter, society has made it acceptable to rely on those sources for facts. 

due to this reliance it has caused societies perception of truth and lies to become distorted. everyone believing what they are told has caused the term "truth" or "fact" to have little to no value. people base opinions on world topics, food, people, or religion off of what they see online. 

this is an issue. this is a crisis. the moment society stops thinking for themselves is the moment we accept our fate and destroy ourselves. our ancestors questioned, experimented, researched, tested. they looked into things and worked to find the truth in the midst of everything. they worked to discover facts and they checked to make sure they were accurate. yet today we would rather just go with what we're told. 


when did we as a whole decide that it was easier this way? when did we all stop thinking for ourselves and start letting everyone else do it for us? we are constantly being fed stories and most of us wouldn't think twice as to double check the source and the information. 

when did we forget our potential? 

we can do so many great things, but we are held back by the lies we are fed daily. how many times have you not reached out to someone because of what you were told about them? probably too many times to count. how many times did you form an opinion on an issue before looking into both sides? how many times have you critiqued someone else for their beliefs before really looking into it? 

we are turning ourselves into a generation of close minded individuals who lack the ability to think for ourselves all because of our reliance on what others have to say. 

think for yourself. research topics your interested in. watch 3 news channels instead of 1 so you can get a broader view of issues. don't listen to everything you hear. 


don't let the world tell you what to think. find the genuine truth and facts. 


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