Get Reel

Behind every perfect photo is 4,000 horrid ones that make you second guess your entire life. The lighting is off, too many shadows, its blurry, you think your face looks funny. But in reality all of the photos have a common denominator, YOU.

In today's society people believe they must always put their best image forward. Society has made it to where the only things deemed socially acceptable to share are your very best days, your most intelligent thoughts, your best pictures. This stigma causes individuals to hide their innermost feelings or thoughts, it causes people to second guess themselves to the point where they don't know who they are or what they stand for. This is creating a population of fake smiles and fake happiness, so in summary FAKE PEOPLE. It's causing society to be something they aren't in order to fit in and be accepted. The urge to be the best and seem flawless has led society to become a plethora of cookie cutter images.

It bothers me that now people would rather make others believe their life is fantastic through the pictures they post, when in reality all it is is a posed picture with little to no substance.

Instead of living only to get likes on pictures or favorites on tweets, why don't we live for ourselves? For our own happiness? Why don't we live freely instead of chained down  by the image we want to broadcast?

Show the world your bloopers and not only your final cuts. Broadcast your true self and be proud of yourself. Stop shaming yourself and being something you aren't when you are perfect the way you are.


Dance like a fool, sing at the top of your lungs, wear what you please, look how you please, eat what you want,


Put yourself first, not society. Post the picture with the terrible lighting and shadows if its what truly encompasses the moment. Instead of putting your best image forward, broadcast your happiness. Don't let your worries of societal opinions weigh you down.

The common denominator is YOU, so make you happy no matter what.


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